The Yale Undergraduate Sports Analytics Group is a group of undergraduates passionate about the field of sports analytics. Group members discuss the current state of advanced statistics in a variety of sports and attempt to contribute to the field through original research.
Article I: Statement of Purpose
The mission of the Yale Undergraduate Sports Analytics Group is to study current statistical analyses of sports, produce original research that advances the knowledge of sports strategies and mechanics, and foster a community of sports enthusiasts.
Article II: Membership Requirements
Section 1: Membership Eligibility
Any currently enrolled Yale undergraduate can join the Yale Undergraduate Sports Analytics Group. In order to participate in officer elections, a member of the club must have attended at least half the meetings in the relevant academic year. For some specific events, individual fees may be assessed. In general, no dues are required.
Section 2: Officers
The officer positions in the Yale Undergraduate Sports Analytics Group are President, Research Director, Treasurer, and Secretary. The President organizes and runs club meetings, is responsible for recruitment, serves as the public face of the club, and acts as a tiebreaking vote on all group decisions (in addition to his normal vote). The Research Director works with members to facilitate research projects and supervise research teams. The Research Director is also expected to assist teams that have completed projects in submitting their work for publication. The Treasurer is responsible for managing the group’s finances. This includes, but is not limited to, managing a bank account, creating a balance sheet, applying for funding from the Undergraduate Organization Committee, and, if necessary, collecting fees from group members. The Secretary is responsible for maintaining the group mailing list, sending weekly emails, and keeping track of meeting attendance.
Section 3: Elections
Elections will be held during the final week of classes in the Spring semester. To be eligible to become an officer of the group, a member must be eligible to vote, must have shown significant commitment to the group, and must intend to be enrolled at Yale as an undergraduate for the entirety of the next academic year. Candidates must register with the current secretary at least week prior to elections.
Section 4: Voting
Voting will be modeled off of standard MVP voting practices in many American Team Sports. Every voter must rank his first three choices for each position. First, second, and third-place votes are worth five, three, and one votes above replacement respectively. The votes will be cast on paper ballots. The current Secretary of the group shall collect these ballots in a baseball cap, or a similarly-shaped, sports-related receptacle. The Secretary will then tally the votes. Each officer position is awarded to the candidate with the most votes above replacement for that position. The positions are filled in the order President, Research Director, Secretary, and Treasurer. Once a candidate has been voted into a position for the upcoming year, unless there are no remaining candidates, he is excluded from remaining officer positions. The elected officers assume the responsibilities of their positions at the beginning of the next academic year.
Article III: Dissolution Clause
In the event that the Yale Undergraduate Sports Analytics Group should dissolve, any remaining assets shall be distributed to Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities.
Article IV: Amendments
The constitution can be amended on a ⅔ vote from the membership along with at least two of the four group officers. It is the responsibility of the officers in favor of the change to notify all members of the group of the proposed change and make arrangements for a vote.